Pineville, is a small town in the Southwest corner of Missouri. Located just North of the confluence of Big and Little Sugar Creeks, which forms the Elk River, this town has served as base camp for many campers, canoers and kayakers throughout the region. For years, the town flourished until it was bypassed by the construction of Interstate 49. Since then, Pineville has struggled, but has still managed to serve as a destination for people seeking the outdoors.
After meeting with the mayor of Pineville, gathering information from local residents, and conducting an in-depth analysis of the downtown area, my studio team developed a new master plan for the city. This master plan would include renovating the historic square, widening pedestrian walkways, and creating bike trails through the city that would connect Main Street to the Elk River and eventually tie into the Razorback Greenway.

For the last three weeks of the semester, each of us designed a recreation center, a boat launch pavilion, or a viewing tower to go along with our master plan. The tower I designed is in alignment with both Main St. and the river. It acts as a periscope, lifting pedestrians’ views above the tree canopy while also serving as a visual beacon for the city of Pineville.

View From Boat Launch

Main Street/River Viewing Portals

Hammock Terrace

Rentable Camping Space

Section Looking East

View From Hammock Terrace